Downtown Reno, NV

Legislative Push

On the night of September 1st, 2020, over 2,000 Buildings were lit in red all around North America

#RedAlertRESTART and #ExtendPUA represent a major call to action, imploring the US Congress to pass the RESTART Act (S.3814) as quickly as possible, offering economic relief to the Live Events Industry, which has been shuttered since March, 2020, putting millions of people out of work. Additionally, the movement is to support in their efforts towards continuation and extension of the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance to provide relief to those without work due to COVID-19.

Buildings, structures, and residences were lit in red on September 1st, 2020 as the event rolled across North America. The goal is to raise public awareness that the Live Events Industry is on Red Alert for its very survival, and to create congressional pressure to act now.

Pioneer Center in Reno, NV

Arts & Culture

The Arts & Culture sector employs 5.1 million people and provides $877 billion value added to the U.S. economy

It adds more value to the economy than transportation, agriculture, or tourism. The Arts & Culture sector is a cornerstone of the larger U.S. economy, making up 4.5% of GDP. Despite their out-sized cultural and economic contribution, the Arts & Culture sector of the U.S. economy is in grave danger.

Bruka Theatre in Reno, NV

An Entire Industry Impacted

The average Arts worker reports $23,500 in lost revenue this year

As theatres, concert tours, festivals, opera houses, trade shows, and other live events as well as film and television production remain closed, or open on a very limited basis, the entire industry is impacted, from designers, technicians, programmers, and stagehands to rental shops, manufacturers, and distributors of entertainment technology. The first industry to close last March, Live Events could be the last sector to re-open due to the COVID-19 crisis.

Lawlor Event Center in Reno, NV


In this dire time, we, the entertainment community of Reno, are asking for your support.

We are asking for your support to help raise awareness in hopes that the government will provide the appropriate support by way of relief funding and necessary legislation. The targeted list of cities for the #WeMakeEvents #RedAlertRESTART #ExtendPUA event on September 1, 2020 across North America included Washington D.C., Huntsville, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Reno, Denver, Orlando, Tampa, Miami, Atlanta, Chicago, New Orleans, Boston, Baltimore, Las Vegas, New York City, Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Nashville, Dallas, Austin, Houston, Salt Lake City, Seattle, Portland, Phoenix, Boulder, Fayetteville, Lexington, Louisville, and Canadian neighbors including Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver.


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